We, Daishin-Tekko Co.Ltd., specialize in manufacturing various quantities of steel parts and are considered a consulting-type company by our trading partners as we meet the demands and requests of the industry. We are also well equipped and have a command of advanced technology so that we can minimize the lead time to provide the highest quality products. We maintain this motto of providing a reliable and trustworthy product through our daily business as a professional company.
Basic Stance of Management People are Important Innovation in Technology Customers are Important These are our basic principles that we have continuously maintained in practice since our foundation. Based on these principles, we have tried to create both a fascinating working environment and a reputation for reliability enabling us to keep up with the demands of the world. We will continue to promote our innovative products as we make great use of our people and technology. Daishin Tekko Co. Ltd., Kenichi Suzuki, President
Head Office & Tochigi Plant (Tochigi, Japan)
Ibaraki Plant & Warehouse (Ibaraki, Japan)
CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) We, Daishin Tekko co. ltd., declare to contribute to our global development. As we gather our employee's intelligence, we enrich our Basic Stance of Management to promote an eco-friendly corporate environment. We manufacture eco-friendly products as we obtain our customer satisfaction. We also aim to improve our safety, health and our environmental condition. Therefore, we are contributing to our social development.
--- GUIDE --- 1 We encourage our eco-friendly corporate activities. We manufacture the products which fulfill customer demands and with safety and quality guaranteed. 1) We maintain an eco-friendly management system. 2) We reduce costs as we eliminate "Muri, Muda and Mura" (Unreasonableness, Waste, and Irregularity) for our business efficiency. 3) We make good use of PDCA cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act) to improve our communication. 2 We apply "Eco-Stage Management" to our "Basic Stance of Management" to prevent pollution and improve our environment. 3 We follow the laws and ordinance of an eco-management system and other agreements for requirements. We make all possible efforts to respond to our customer demands. 4 We provide our employees an eco-conscious education to share up-to-date knowledge. 5 We have all the employees understand this guide to accomplish our mission.